How-To Organize Your Paper Files - Using RootsMagic 4
Page 17 of 30

As Genealogy Research Associates, Inc. learned through experience, we were spending ten times as much in labor make our own little number tabs. It is still a fine solution if you are just beginning, so we thought we would share our solution. The supplies we used were:

  • A two inch, 3-ring binder with a clear view cover and spine.  
  • 2 or 3 packages of colored index tabs that have eight per package and were reinforced.  
  • 4 to 8 packages of clear index tabs, again that have eight per package reinforced.

Eventually, we had designed and made for our use professional looking tabs printed on heavier paper, dipped in a mylar solution to strengthen them from breaking, pre-drilled holes and dipping for the holes for strength as well. By purchasing $16,000 worth a year, we could keep the price well below the cost of commercial products.

That was the beginning of the filing tab system that could be used in file cabinets and notebooks. Today GRA makes them available to students and genealogy friends. Here is how it works.

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