How-To Organize Your Paper Files - Using RootsMagic 4
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Now that you have an overview of how your RootsMagic 4 software program can assign and print the numbers to easily organize the evidence you have gathered over the years, study the image above.

Notice the introductory tabs that act as finding aids for the materials which follow. Notice that this is a "shortened" image depicting the filing system for someone with at least 300 family group records. Behind that are surname files for Lowell, Lowry, Lynch, Markland, and Martin families; and locality tabs for several counties in Virginia. This system works as a time-saver, a method appreciated by archives and libraries as a way to donate your research, and a great way to preserve your materials.

Also available are various packages to meet your needs including instructions. This system has been used by thousands of full-time and student genealogists. It works very well, and looks so professional.

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